9 Inspirational Books That Will Help You Makeover Your Life This Weekend

All it takes is a well-crafted phrase or a real life inspirational story to make us see things from a different perspective, or spur us into action. So settle in and get #ProjectHappy with these inspiring reads...

1. The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari – Robin Sharma

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Cover

This wonderful story told as a fable includes simple but effective lessons for improving your life. It tells the tale of a lawyer who finds himself on a life changing odyssey, and it is worded in a way you are unlikely to forget. Enlightening, enjoyable, profound and inspirational, it’s perfect for kicking back with when you need a boost.

2. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist

A firm fave on STELLAR’s book shelf, this novel by Paulo Coelho is an inspirational bestselling classic. The Alchemist is based around seeking meaning in your own life, it teaches us the difference between seeking and finding, and how we should enjoy the pursuit of our dreams. A must read for anyone’s library.

3. The Secret – Rhonda Byrne

The Secret

The success of this book means it’s certainly not a secret anymore. Based on the law of attraction and positive thinking, this book shows you how applying these concepts into your life can bring about life changing health, wealth and happiness. Its premise is basically thus: if you think about something reeeeallly hard, you’ll get it.

4. You Can Heal Your Life –  Louise L Hay

You can heal your life

This is one of those books which you will always want to have around so that you can dip into time and time again. Full of powerful information, it also includes the inspirational story of the author’s life and how she cured herself from cancer. ‘You Can Heal Your Life’ shows you how to heal all areas of your life from the emotional to the physical.

5. Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert

Eat Pray Love

“In search of our true self, we are often lost.” Eat, Pray, Love is a memoir that dives into the soul of the reader. The author leaves behind the comfort of her modern successful life and immerses herself in a spiritual journey that seeks to unmask the freedom she yearns. It has the right balance of humour and insight to irk your mind and wonder if the life you have truly is the life you want.

6. The Happiness Project- Gretchen Rubin


One of the most inspiring books we’ve ever read (and we’ve read a lot of books), The Happiness Project outlines a one year project by the author to achieve measurable goals in different areas of life (think vitality, work, relationships, attitude) and build on them using definite steps (such as getting to bed earlier, pursuing passions, exercising better, and being more organised). A perfect weekend read for any gal with an already happy life.

7. He’s Just Not That Into You – Greg Behrendt

Hes Just Not That Into You

This one is our tough love fave. Inspired by an episode of Sex and the City, and later turned into a movie starring Jennifer Aniston and Drew Barrymore, this modern classic is a must-read for all women. While the book does make the reader face some hard truths, the tone is light-hearted and funny. At the end, you’ll feel empowered, uplifted, and just a little bit more knowledgeable about the mind of your man. Trust us, you will be recommending this book to your girlfriends, for years to come.

8.  The Power of Now – Ekhart Tolle

The Power Of Now

This Oprah-endorsed read is about something even more appealing: the key to happiness, which the German-born philosopher Tolle tells us is achieved by living in the moment. Go ahead, try it: Think about how happy you are right now reading this genius round-up. See? We told you.

9. Oh, The Places You’ll Go! – Dr. Seuss

Dr Seuss

Dr. Seuss’s book advocates “we know what we know,” and WE are the ones who’ll decide where to go. Don’t we all need a reminder that “You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. From soaring to high heights and seeing great sights, to being left in a Lurch on a prickle-ly perch, Dr. Seuss addresses life’s ups and downs, while encouraging us to find the success that lies within. Seuss’s message is simple but never sappy: life may be a ‘Great Balancing Act,’ but through it all ‘There’s fun to be done.’

By Jennifer Conway.
