Love & Sex 23rd March 2016 by Online editors
These 4 Things Will Stop Your Relationship Going Stale
Turns out there are a lot of ways to keep the flame burning.
If you’ve been with your SO for years and years chances are you’re no longer feeling the same urgency to rip each others clothes off that you once did. Although this is a totally natural occurrence (er, who has time for three quickies a day?) it’s important to keep the sexual passion alive for a healthy relationship.
Luckily for us a recent study was carried out to examine just this! The study, by The Journal of Sex Research, revealed that although sexual satisfaction typically decreases in long-term relationships, it is not inevitable. Hoorah!
Here are four ways to keep the passion alive with your long-term love:
Oral sex
Think about it, it’s probably one of the most intimate and enjoyable acts you and your partner can do together so make sure to put aside some time for oral. It’ll be totally worth it for both your relationship and sex life. “Sexually satisfied men and women gave and received more oral sex, orgasmed more frequently, and had sex more frequently,” says David Frederick, lead author of the study. Um, you don’t need to tell us twice…
Act out what you read
Almost half of the couples surveyed said they read sexual self-help books and magazine articles but the only couples who reaped the benefits were the ones who acted it out. “Almost half of satisfied and dissatisfied couples read sexual self-help books and magazine articles, but what set sexually satisfied couples apart was that they actually tried some of the ideas.” So, next time you’re reading STELLAR’S totes amaze sex articles, we want you to try out our suggestions, y’hear?
The longer the sex sesh the better
Now we know not all of our beaus can go for hours and let’s be honest, we’d be totally wrecked if they could! But if you find your sex sessions getting increasingly shorter over time, make an effort to elongate your sexy time with foreplay. The study revealed that 49 percent of men and 45 percent of women who reported their last sexual encounter to last more than 30 minutes were totally satisfied with their sex life.
Emotional closeness
We know it sounds sappy but never underestimate the power of being emotionally connected with your other half, especially when it comes to passion. Think about it, if you and your partner are both on the same page emotionally this will definitely be reflected through intimacy. 69 percent of men and 72 percent of women who reported feeling the same or more emotional closeness during sex now than in the first six months of their relationship would deem themselves to be sexually satisfied.
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