Remember Little Brady From Sex And The City? He Looks SO Different Now

Still a redhead though. PHEW.

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Leaving our gals Carrie, Samantha and co. aside for a moment, Sex And The City also featured some very memorable male roles.

There was Aidan, for one. Lovely, lovely Aidan. Then there was Berger, and his rage-fuelling Post It note. Plus, of course there was Mr. Big. And Richard, and Smith, and Steve…

The list goes on, but one actor who’s rarely spoken about in nostalgic SATC chats is Joseph Pupo.

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Joseph played the oh-so adorable Brady Hobbes, the son of Miranda and Steve, who goes from a red-headed baby to a fully-grown child in the interim between the series and the first movie.

But just look at him now, all grown up:

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While he’s no longer acting – aside from his “school play” –  Joseph did take part in a frankly hilarious video for The Battery Company, in which he made a pretty startling confession: he’s never seen an episode of Sex And The City.

Nope, not a one. Not even the one which centres around his birthday party, for God’s sake. Okay, Samantha’s dyed pubic hair crisis might not be viewing fit for a teen, but STILL.

As for his audition process, Joseph admits that it was a bit of a non-event, seeing as he was “like, three months old.”

Here’s the full video – it’s well worth a watch!
