Off Out 7th April 2017 by Grace McGettigan
Not For Office Viewing! There’s A Penis Festival In Japan To Celebrate All Things Phallic
It started as a way to raise awareness for safe sex.
Are you and your friends planning a trip but aren’t quite sure where to go yet? Do you love penises? Well look no further.
Kanamara Matsuri, which means “Festival of the Steel Phallus”, is celebrated every year in Kawasaki, Japan, and is attended by thousands of people who love all things phallic.
Taking place every April, the festival involves a parade of sorts, where the celebrants march along to worship the mikoshi, a large pink shrine that resembles a disembodied penis.
Dating back to the 70s, it started as a way to raise awareness for safe sex. Informative pamphlets are distributed among the crowd to promote LGBT-positivity, and it’s described as a non-discriminatory event.
Sounds amazing.
It’s proved popular with tourists over the years, who gather around to brandish penis memorabilia and celebrate Kanamara Matsuri with the locals.
Now all we need is a vagina festival because, you know, equality.