Taylor Swift And Calvin Harris’s Holiday Snaps Are Giving Us All Of The #RelationshipGoals Right Now

That's it, we're officially jealous.

Taylor Swift And Calvin Harris

Tay and Calvin have got to be one of the cutest couples in Hollywood right now. Seriously, we’re obsessed and the snaps they’ve just posted from their holliers have made us even more envious.

Currently holidaying at a mystery location, we’re speculating that their little trip away is to celebrate their recent one year anniversary.

So what have they been up to on their vay-cay? Well lots of frolicking on the beach by the looks of it. They’ve also been trampolining in the sea, writing their initials in the sand and being generally adorbs.


A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

That time when we finally took a vacation. @calvinharris

A video posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Taylor Swift + Adam Wiles

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on


A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

A photo posted by Calvin Harris (@calvinharris) on

A photo posted by Calvin Harris (@calvinharris) on

We’re not bitter. Nope, not one little bit.
