Love & Sex 16th July 2015 by Online editors
6 Things That Will Either Make Or Break Your Relationship
If your relationship can survive these six things, we'll bet it can survive pretty much anything.
It doesn’t take a neurosurgeon to know that relationships take work. In fact, some take a lot more effort than others, but if you can work through these seriously challenging moments you can bet you and your fella will probably go the distance. After all, what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger…
1. Terrible personal hygiene
Two months in and you’re basically living in his place. The only problem is when you’re hauled up in such close quarters you notice all his bad habits, and you can sure as hell smell them too. If you find you wake up every morning to the stench of his B.O. and you still nestle in for a cuddle, it must be true love.
2. Finding out that he’s not exactly well endowed
His peen definitely isn’t the biggest and the sex isn’t exactly blow-your-socks-off amazing, either, but if you’ve had to use the line “is it in yet?” and powered through anyway, then it’s obvious you think he’s pretty darn special. You’ve realised that sex isn’t everything, and you’re prepared to work at finding a position that works for both of you. Hey, practice makes perfect, after all.
3. The girl best friend
This is the girl he’s always texting and talks about but claims to have absolutely no interest in. If you can get past the jealousy issues and accept that she’s going to be around for the long haul, your relationship will definitely go the distance, and you might have a new gal pal to boot.
4. He loves the gym more than he loves you
He spends most of his time thinking about how many kilos he can dead lift and calculating his macros, and even though you know he loves you, you know you’ll probably always come second to his Ben Dunne membership when he’s shredding. But if you can get past his gym obsession you’ll have a guy who’s got loads of motivation and dedication. Just make sure he makes as much time for you as he does for the rowing machine.
5. You weigh more than him
He’s super scrawny and when he announced that he’s hoping to reach 10 stone by the end of the month, while you were gleefully tucking into another slice of pizza, somehow your jeans started to feel a smidge more snug. If you can get over not being the petite one in the relationship, and he doesn’t mind that you’ve more muscle than he does, we’d say your bond is pretty solid.
6. He’s a struggling artist
He hasn’t earned a cent since he quit his part time job in Starbucks to focus on his music, and when you think about your future you know it consists of you working full time while he stays at home tuning his guitar. But you love him, and if that’s what it takes for him to make it in the biz, then so be it.
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