Career 29th June 2015 by Online editors
Sex And Sensuality: My Life As A Tantric Teacher
Tantric sex promises to offer sexual fulfillment and recapture chemistry with your partner. We're chatting to tantra teacher Joe Mullally about teaching the practice.
We’ve all heard about tantra, the ancient, spiritual practice that can be used to improve sexual fulfillment, but how much do we really know about it?ย Thanks to Sting, many people believe that tantric sex is all about having hours-long sexathons, but it is in fact about so much more than that.
We spoke to tantra teacher Joe Mulally to find out more about the enticing world of teaching tantra.
How did you decide you wanted to be a tantra teacher?
All my life I have been infatuated with the spirituality of femininity. I believe the most beautiful images in life are of women. My fascination stemmed from here and I started reading books about tantra and it really appealed to me so I began to train as a tantra teacher. This was 20 years ago and I have been practicing ever since.
It’s about surrendering yourself and it’s important to relax and be completely present in the moment.
What’s the connection between tantra and sex?
Tantra is a very sensual experience and that can translate well into sex. It’s about surrendering yourself and it’s important to relax and be completely present in the moment. Couples come to me who want to try tantra because they may have lost all sexual chemistry. When you have sex with someone you are at your most insecure and vulnerable, so tantra works by teaching the couples to enjoy the journey of sex and prolong it as much as possible, not just race to get an orgasm.
Do the couples practice the act of tantra in front of you?
No they don’t. I give them exercises to do at home and they will come back to me and tell me what worked and didn’t work for them. We will then run through more exercises for them to try. I don’t think they would be fully comfortable having an orgasm or achieving sexual fulfillment with an audience.
Individuals who come in to me are often very frustrated as they may never have experienced an orgasm in their life.
What if you’re not in a couple? Can individuals still come to you?
Absolutely. Tantra can work really well for an individual on their own. I start by giving them role plays to do. This will help them connect with their breathing which is essential for tantra.
An example of what I get them to do is a rocking motion where their head will tilt back and their pelvis moves forward. This can be very sensual for the individual and it energies the whole spine. Individuals who come in to me are often very frustrated as they may never have experienced an orgasm in their life but they have heard all about them and want to know what it’s like. The exercises I give them to do at home can help them achieve this.
What would your average working day be like?
I don’t like to give a set duration of time to my clients as sometimes they may need more than the given time, so often I will have a client in the morning and afternoon, so I can really spend the necessary amount of time with them and won’t feel rushed. I like to give each client my full and absolute concentration.