Behind the scenes
26th March 2018
There was fun, fashion and beauty galore.
12th January 2016
Join team STELLAR and No7’s Scientific Skincare Advisor Dr Mike Bell at our exclusive sit down lunchtime skincare reader event in Dublin!
18th November 2015
Tonight's the night for the 2nd annual STELLAR Shine Awards and we can't wait!
29th October 2015
Wanna be present and correct at the season's hottest social event? Oh of course you do - so here's how.
12th August 2015
Want to be one of the first to shop the H&M Studio A/W 2015 collection? Of course you do, so here’s how a whopping 200 of you can be there to share the fun!
12th May 2015
Fancy attending an exclusive film preview with a drinks reception beforehand? Course you do, so here's how.