5 Things To Eat On Holidays That Won’t Completely Ruin Your Diet

Off on your holliers and don't want to fall completely off the clean eating wagon? You can still indulge, but making these five healthy swaps will ensure you don't go overboard.

hooliday healthy food

You’ve spent months eating clean and hitting the gym all so you can feel fabulous in your triangle swimwear on the beach this summer, and now that you’re jetting off you wanna enjoy your holliers, but you don’t wanna go completely overboard and ruin all your hard work, right? Well fear not, making just a few clean swaps here and there can help keep you on track. We say enjoy your vaycay, but if you’re worried about your waistline, you can switch out some of the baddies by eating these.

If you fancy an ice-cream

ice pops

Forget calorific whippys and opt for a juicy ice pop. Unlike their calorific counterparts, they’re composed mostly of water and contain significantly less sugar. For extra brownie points opt for pops made with real fruit juices that are free from artificial colours and flavourings.

When you need a caffeine hit

iced coffee

Craving your usual double shot hazelnut latte while chilling at the hotel bar? Make the switch to iced coffee. Not only does it make a yummy ice-cold pick me up, if you opt for skimmed milk and skip the flavourings, it typically has less calories than a usual frothy coffee. Better yet, caffeine has metabolism-boosting properties meaning you’ll burn at least a few extra calories while you’re lounging poolside. A heads up though: just keep an eye on the barista. If they use ice-cream or coffee creamers, it’s a no-go.

If you’re craving something sweet

frozen berries

Need a sugar hit without the, er, sugar? Stick some of your fave berries in the freezer (if you don’t have one in your hotel room pop down to reception and ask them to help you out) and bring them poolside to snack on through the day. Wanna be extra healthy? Choose fruit salad for breakfast and dessert where you can.

If you’re craving something savoury

baked crisps and guacamole

Craving a packet of Tayto salt and vinegar crisps? It could be down to dehydration. For a healthier and more satisfying option, opt for baked natural crisps and guacamole. Baked crisps have far less calories and fat, while guacamole is packed full of fibre, vitamins and essential fatty acids, making for some healthy and satisfying savoury nibbles.

When you need a between-meals snack

Cucumber Soup

Go for Gazpacho. Cold soups are high in vitamins and low in calories, making them perfect for when you’re chillin’ on the beach. Our personal fave is cool cucumber soup. Looking for something a bit bulkier? Opt for green smoothies made with greek yogurt. You’ll get your five a day, while the high protein content will keep you full until your next meal.
