Celeb goss 3rd January 2017 by Victoria Stokes
Fake? So Apparently Drake And J.Lo’s Relationship Really Isn’t What You Think It Is
Can't say we're surprised TBH.
It was the celebrity hookup none of us saw coming. Drake and J.Lo? Surely not, right? But as more pics and ‘evidence’ of their romance emerged it was looking more and more likely that DraLo really were a thing.
First there was THAT snap of them cuddling and looking super loved up posted to both of their Instagrams.
And then came the biggie: a series of videos of the pair making out taken by a fan at a party in Vegas last week.
A video posted by ✨Leyla✨ (@lleeyla) on
A video posted by Chloé ? French Account (@jlover24_h50) on
What you may have missed however is the song playing in the background which many have said sounds suspiciously like a Drake and J-Lo collaboration. Hmm.
What’s more, an insider from the music industry has claimed what many have suspected: that the couple’s relationship is one big publicity stunt and a cheeky rouse to sell records.
“This relationship is fake,” the source told Page Six. “It is just a publicity stunt to publicise their record together. If Jennifer and Drake were really dating, they’d be way more private about it.”
So what’s the verdict then? Genuine romance or publicity stunt to sell records? We’re holding a torch for these two and hoping it’s not the latter.