Trending 24th February 2016 by Online editors
I Quit Snapchat For 30 Days. Here’s What Happened…
One STELLAR writer ditched Snapchat and encountered some interesting results.
There came a time in January when I became so sick of social media I was tempted to go iPhone free. However, I knew I couldn’t do this to my friends again because I was definitely the most annoying person to be around; constantly moaning about how anti-social they were and asking if I could borrow their phones to make calls and texts.
So, instead of becoming that annoying friend again, I decided to to keep my iPhone and delete my beloved Snapchat app instead. This was a MAJOR sacrifice for me, I was addicted to snapping everyone and everything. So, understandably when I initially gave it up I had some serious withdrawals. It was kind of like a breakup; initially you feel empowered, then you desperately want it back and finally you move on. Here’s how I got on when I went Snapchat-free.
1. I no longer suffered from FOMO
Going Snapchat-free meant I was no longer creeping on everyone’s Snap stories while they were out. I loved this, because it meant I ย no longer felt like I was missing out on nights out, holidays or delish food, I could now sit at home and watch Jessica Jones with a Dominos meal for one guilt-free.
2. I didn’t know a lot about my friends lives sans Snapchat
Although me and my friends met up all the time, we never really talked about where we’d been or what we’d done during the week, because it was always documented on Snapchat. But when I was Snapchat-free, the girls had to make a conscious effort to tell me when they were going on an impromptu mini-break or when they got a new puppy.
3. I suffered some serious withdrawals
During the first few days I didn’t think I was going to make it. I was constantly checking my phone for new Snapchats, only to be sorely disappointed. I was bored, cranky and lonely and I just wanted it back.
4. I was able to stop cringing over drunken snaps
There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning, a little worse for wear, and seeing a cringey Snapstory from the night before that you star in. No Snapchat means a cringe-free hangover morning. Hoorah!
5. I had a lot more free time
Turns out updating your story 10 times a day is seriously time consuming. When I gave up Snapchat I found I had so much more free time. At first I was so bored but then I started to use it to my advantage. I took up knitting and started baking again. Both hobbies which I slyly posted to Instagram.
6. I became more mindful
I never realised how much Snapchat distracted me from everything around me. I would constantly be looking through the lens of my iPhone without actually appreciating the moment. Sans Snapchat I found myself making a conscious effort to be more present. I’ve even taken up meditating on the bus, instead of snapping my commute.
7. I’m not ready to commit
I thought I’d be able to give ย Snapchat up completely after this experience but the second it hit 30 days I had downloaded it again. And although I won’t be going cold turkey again anytime soon, I’ve definitely become less addicted.
I’d highly recommend giving up Snapchat for a month. Feel like giving it a go? Tweet us @stellarmagazine to let us know how you get on!