Trending 2nd March 2016 by Online editors
These Are The 4 Things Men Are Looking For In A Relationship
Thank goodness somebody knows, cos if you ask us, men's minds are a mystery.
We aren’t mind readers and realistically without telepathic powers there’s little way of knowing just what exactly it is men are looking for from a relationship.
Luckily, dating app have found a way of delving into the male brain and getting their hands on this crucial info.
They surveyed over 5,000 singles about the things they most want from a long-term romance.
Top of the list for guys? 98 percent said they want someone who treats them with respect. Fair enough, huh?
Second on their list of dating must-haves, with 97 percent, is being with someone they can trust and confide in. 95 percent said they wanted to be with a gal who was confident communicating her wants and needs, while 91% said a sense of humour was super important.
Further down the list of desirable attributes was ‘is physically attractive to me’, which was a preference of 89 percent of men, proving that they’re more interested in establishing a deeper connection than just being with a girl who looks good.
The more you know, eh?
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