Uncategorized 24th February 2015 by Victoria Stokes
The No-Pain Guide To Wearing High Heels – No, Really
Hurray! No more dancing barefoot at 2am!
Oh, how we love our heels, but sometimes it feels like they don’t love us back. Yep, we’re talking blisters, numbness and that burning feeling we get when we’ve been stomping around in stacked stilettos all night. Is it any wonder we’ve kicked them off before the DJ’s played his last tune? So, here are a few tips ‘n’ tricks to make sure you’re still wearing yours when the lights come on.
DO Get your feet sized. Chances are you haven’t had your feet measured since your Mammy marched you in to Clarks aged seven. Our feet are changing all the time, so ideally you should be getting them measured once a year to help you find the perfect fit. A badly-fitting shoe will push your foot forward causing more pain. Not to mention making it even harder to stay upright after your third glass of red…
DON’T Be cheap. Those €10 Penneys stilettos are certainly budget friendly, but are they foot friendly? Shoes with a leather lining are more supple and less likely to cause blisters. They may cost more; but remember, an expensive shoe that you wear all the time is better than a cheapo pair that you’ve flung in to the back of the wardrobe because they kill your toes.
If all else fails? Put your feet on ice.
DO Know what to look for. Shoes to avoid are spike heels and footwear with a thin sole if you’re aiming for comfort. Shoes that minimise pain usually have a chunkier heel, a thick platform and cover more of the foot.
DON’T Forget about gel cushions. So they look a bit funny and they feel a bit weird, but they do save your tootsies from a helluva lot of pain. The gel provides that extra little bit of padding between your foot and the floor. Perfect for that long walk home at the end of the night.
DO Try this. Tape your third and fourth toes together with Scotch tape to alleviate pain in the ball of your foot. The tape removes strain on the nerve that connects the two toes. It’s a little out there, but worth a try, no?
And if all else fails? Put your feet on ice! An ice-cold footbath will help to reduce swelling and lessen the pain when you make it home.
Pic credit: Dune
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