Day-to-Day Irish Phrases To Use This Seachtain na Gaeilge

There's no better time to use the cúpla focal!

@gaylgeoiri LGBTQ+ terms as Gaeilge 🇮🇪 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ #Gaeilge #LearnIrish #LearnGaeilge #SnaG #Kneecap #GraArAnTra #gaat #gaylgeoiri #gay #irelandtiktok #lgbt #queer #lgbtq @TG4 @BLOC @Conradh na Gaeilge @Energia ♬ Call Me Mother – RuPaul

Is fíor an rud a deireann siad, ‘ Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam’.

It’s true what they say, a country without its language, is a country without a soul.

With more and more people emigrating abroad, there has been a newfound patriotism sweeping across the country. More people are excited to engage and embrace their culture with pride.

This can either be displayed through, listening or playing trad music, wearing traditional Irish symbols like the Claddagh ring or for many its relearning or improving their Irish – and what better week to learn then Seachtain na Gaeilge.

Here’s some easy phrases for you to learn to improve your Irish speaking skills and use in your day to day life.


Cad é mar atá rudaí ag gabháil leatsa?

How are things with you?


Tá sé fuar amuigh ansin inniu, níl solas na gréine ar bith le feiceail

It’s cold outside today, there is no sun to be seen.

Ní chéapfa go bhfhuil muid leath bealaigh tríd an t-Earrach leis an aimsir atá an inniú.

You wouldn’t think we were halfway through spring with the weather outside today.

Conversation at home

Tá mé stiúgtha leis an ocras, cé dé bhfhuil againn fá choinne dinnéar ?/ Cé dé bhfhuil tú dheanamh fá choinne dinnéair tráthnona inniú?

I’m starving, what do we have for dinner? / What are you making for dinner this evening?

Tá mé dubh dóite, níl rud ar bith maith ar an téilifís faoi láthair.

I’m so bored, there’s nothing good on the TV at the moment.

Bhí lá iontach gnóthach agam ag mó phost inniú, bhí orm léir mor obair agus tascanna difriúl a dhéanamh.

I had a very busy day at my job today, I had to do a lot of work and different tasks.

@gaeilgelejane♬ Another Year – Andrew Gialanella

Conversation through text

Bhfhuil tú iarraidh bhuaileadh le chéile an seachtaine seo agus dul go dtí an pictúirlann/ionad siopadóireacht /café/bialann/ trá?

Do you want to meet up this week and go to the cinema/shopping centre/ café/restaurant/beach?

Cad a rinne tú an deireadh seachtaine faigh cáite?

What did you do last weekend?

Ní dhearna mé rud ar bith mór, súigh mé thart fán teach agus lig mé mo scíth.

I didn’t do much, I sat around my house and relaxed.

Cé hé an aisteoir/ceaoilteoir is fear leat?

Who is your favourite actor/singer?

Tá mo croí istigh I Paul mescal/ Kneecap

I love Paul Mescal/Kneecap

Phrases for everyday interactions

Dtig liom café/tae a ordú le do thoil?

Can I order a coffee/tea please?

  • Dhá spúnog siúcra – two spoonsful of sugar
  • Deoir beag bainne  – a dash of milk
  • Níl mé iarraidh síoróip ar bith – I don’t want any syrup

Sin é go raibh maith agat

That’s it, thank you

An dtig liom díol le carta nó an féidir liom diol le airgead tirim?

Can I pay with card? Or can I pay with cash?

Seachtain na Gaeilge offers a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and embrace the Irish language in our daily lives.

By incorporating simple phrases and expressions into everyday conversations, we can not only improve our language skills but also foster a deeper connection to our country native tongue.

Every small effort made to speak it daily, contributes to the revival of the Irish language.

Words by Alyssa O’Sullivan