So Different! 6 Celebrities Who’ve Gone From Bad Brows To Total Brow Goals

Show these pics to your waxer โ€“ STAT.

A quick scroll through our old Bebo photos reveals one major make-up misdemeanour: we never filled in our brows. Worse still, we were totally guilty of over-tweezing them, leaving us with wispy, unshapely, barely-there arches that did nothing to emphasize our pretty little faces.

But we weren’t the only ones…

A look back in time reveals that even some of our favourite A-list ladies weren’t strong in the eyebrow department either.

Thankfully, since those bygone days of failing face framers, they’ve seriously upped their brow game.

Here are a few who’ve gone from thread bare to total wow brows.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian Brows

Say what you want about surgery, but we reckon it’s Kim’s arches that have played the biggest part in her amazing transformation.

Gwen Stefani

Gwen Stefani Brows

Gone are those super-thin arches of the 90s. These days Gwen is seen sporting a much fuller brow.

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J Lo

J Lo Brows

She may still be Jenny From The Block but those pencil-thin brows โ€“ and that killer perm โ€“ are definitely gone.

Taylor Swift

Tay Tay has shaken off those wispy brows of the past and instead opted for a much fuller, unruly look.

Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba

Ditching her thin and straight brows from 1999, these days you’ll see Jessica sporting a thicker, more feathered style.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox

Back in 2004 Megan Fox had sparse, widely-spaced brows. These days? We can’t enough of her super-defined eyebrows!