This Is How Jennifer Aniston Gets Her Hair So Glossy

Um, she uses what you'd call a natural product...

jennifer aniston hair

We ‘fess up, we have a major girl-crush on Jennifer Aniston, not least because she has the most gawjus, covet-worthy mane of hair. But we gotta say, we were a little bit, um, taken aback when she revealed recently that the secret to her super glossy tresses is, um, sweat. Yep, as in that yucky stuff that leaks out of your scalp when you’re down the gym. For real.

When asked if she washes her hair when she works out, Jen replied, “No, I don’t. I actually don’t. A little sweat in the hair is nice. It’s like a little product. You just blow it out with your fingers and it’s actually just fun.” Um, okay then.

Jen also revealed that she only needs to wash her hair every two to three days thanks to ditching products that contain silicone. “Silicone is a culprit in most shampoos,” she told Fashionista magazine. “Over time, it builds up and turns into a hard coating and it cracks and breaks and snaps you hair.”

We can get on board with no silicone, but the sweat? Hey, if it’s works for Jen…
