Off Out 28th April 2016 by Genevieve Wilson
5 Ways To Stay Healthy This Bank Holiday Weekend
With a bit of self discipline and forward planning, there’s no reason why you should fall off the wagon this bank holiday weekend.
Friday Prep
If you’re planning some after work drinks on Friday, make sure you have something substantial to eat during the day. Line your stomach with a mix of whole grains, protein, fibre, good fats and vegetables. A varied meal is the best way to prevent yourself from getting too tipsy. It will also lessen the likelihood of you stopping off at Abracadabra for loaded cheese fries and a taco kebab at 3am. We’re turning to The Little Green Spoon for some healthy meal planning and packing a Vegan Mexican Quinoa Bowl in our lunch box.
Pick and choose
You don’t have to go out on the tear every night of the weekend, choose one or two evenings and take the rest off. This will minamise your spending, hangover, fear, liver damage and your overindulgence. Pick up a bottle of wine and cook for friends instead, or plan a movie bonanza on the couch. You can still enjoy yourself and will be ready to get straight up and at ’em when you wake up fresh the following day.
Stay active
Don’t ditch the exercise altogether. If you don’t think you’ll make it to the gym, then make sure you’re getting out and about and stayng active. If the weather’s bad, then try to squeeze in a gym class or two. It’ll only take up 40 minutes of your time and will have a positive impact on your mood immediately, which will also carry you through to next week when you’re back sitting at your desk.
We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again, staying hydrated is absolutely key when trying to stay on track with a healthy regime. If you’re out drinking, remember to get some water in between alcoholic drinks, and drink a pint of water before you go to bed. It will suppress your spinnies and lessen your headache in the morning.
Hangover Cravings
Know your unhealthy cravings and know what the healthy alternative is. The protein and fat in eggs are proven to help a hangover so they’re always a reliable go-to. Spicy food works wonders too. If you’re going away for the weekend, buy some food for your accommodation so you’re not always eating out. And if you are doing a lot of lunching and brunching, look towards the healthier options on the menu. You’ll feel a thousand times better because of it.