Get Your Sh*t Together: 4 Productive Things You Need To Do This Weekend

It looks like we’re swamped with rain this weekend so we’ll be staying indoors. If you fancy doing the same, we’ve come up with four things you can do to make sure it’s still a weekend well spent.

Make a festive budget


Lets face it, Christmas is the most expensive time of the year. Presents, work parties, Secret Santas. You’ll probably want to indulge in some niceties yourself for all the nights out you’ll be having too, and chances are, cash will be tight. Make a list and try to figure out what gifts you need to buy who, what you need for yourself, what you WANT for yourself, and how much you can realistically spend. Having your expenditures laid out on a page really helps to curb your spending.

Redecorate your living space


Moving around your living space is a lot more therapeutic and helpful than you think. Not only will it give you the chance to clean any clutter and build up, it will also give the room a new life afterwards. You’ll need to dedicate a few hours to this but play some music while you do so and you’ll be surprised at how enjoyable the activity is. Your home is your sanctuary, especially your bedroom, so make it an area that you’re happy to wake up and relax in.

Pick up a hobby


We’re still in the early days of November and it’s a good time to start something new. Firstly, there are a number of home exercises you can introduce into your life, why not watch some yoga or pilates classes on YouTube? If you don’t fancy that, you could try out some new recipes, take up baking, pick up a pair of knitting needles, or download some ebooks onto your Kindle or iPad. There are so many things you can be doing during your downtime at home and it’s important to have enjoyable activities to take away from the stresses of your every day life.

Meal prepGirl-cooking

If you make it to Sunday without going out drinking, you’ll probably wake up feeling refreshed and clear headed. Go out and do your weekly shop, prepare your lunch for the following day and decide what other meals you can prepare for. Why not buy chicken in bulk and make two or three healthy variations? You can cover in aluminium foil and leave in your fridge. Voila, you have three healthy dishes and your lunch/dinner is sorted until Wednesday. You can also make yourself some overnight oats or boiled eggs and your breakfast will be ready for you for the next couple of days too. Deadly.
