3 Homemade Soups That’ll Knock The Flu Right Out Of You

It’s soup szn.

And flu szn, too.

If you, like me, are currently dying a death, you’re probably on the hunt for a delicious, simple soup to take the pain away.

And yes, you could just pop down the shops and get yourself a ready made carton, but if there’s anything better than homemade soup when you’re sick, I’d love to hear it.

Alternatively, present these recipes to a loved one and demand they rustle at least one of them up for you over the next few days.

You’re welcome.

1. Tomato, garlic and basil

The classic, it never fails.

Roast tomatoes, onions, garlic, red peppers, basil and thyme in some olive oil. Remove the thyme and garlic stems, add some water, and blend to your desired consistency.

Return to the stove and add as much cream and black pepper as you like (I also top with Frank’s hot sauce, but that’s just me). Grab yourself a crusty baguette and enjoy.

2. Broccoli and blue cheese

Hearty, tasty, and no blending necessary here for this cheesy masterpiece.

Boil broccoli florets and rice (or risotto) until the veg is tender and drain most of the water. Add stock, garlic, and black pepper and mash until as thick or thin as you like.

Stir in blue cheese (I use gorgonzola), top with olive oil, and enjoy.

3. French onion

This soup may not be traditionally associated with encouraging wellness, but it should be, because it’s delicious.

Caramelise a load (a load) of onions in a non stick pan with butter. Let those cook down for about 25 – 30 mins with some sugar for sweetness, scraping the pan as you go. Make sure you don’t let them burn!

Add in some garlic and a bit of flour to thicken. Increase the heat and add in some white wine, and stock of your choice. Cook for another 20 minutes covered on a low heat. Spoon into oven safe bowls and pop some grated cheese on top (gruyere is good!), and stick under the grill until melted.

Remove and serve with some crusty bread. Et viola.
