Career 13th November 2016 by Paula Lyne
#AskHerMore: Diana Bunici Talks Family, Falling In Love And Taking Risks
Occupation: TV presenter and author
Twitter: @DeeBTweets
Snapchat: @deebee2013
Growing up in a tiny rural village in Moldova, it was a move to Ireland that transformed Diana Bunici’s life. With five years as the presenter of the RTÉ2 kids’ show Elev8 under her belt, Diana currently divides her time between Dublin, London and LA, but she hasn’t forgotten her roots.
As a Team Hope ambassador, Diana is working with the charity on their annual Shoebox Appeal, which last year saw 212,000 boxes delivered to children in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union and Africa. The deadline for shoeboxes this year has been extended to November 18th, and there’s more information here on how you can get involved. We caught up with Diana in a rare break from presenting, writing and volunteering commitments to grill her as part of our regular #AskHerMore series…
You’ve lived between Moldova, Dublin and London, but where is home for you?
For me home is where my heart is most content, and I feel very lucky because I have two homes. As my birth country, Moldova has a very special place in my heart and has moulded and shaped me into the person I am today. I grew up in the tiniest rural village with no running water or electricity. It’s there I learned true gratitude, appreciation and compassion.
We moved away when I was eight, so Ireland is the country that has raised me. My family and I were welcomed here with open arms. So home for me is a tale of two different cultures that sometimes mix and at other times clash, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Where or when do you feel most content?
When surrounded by my loved ones. Family is everything to me, and I find that the older I get, the busier life becomes so it’s extremely important to me to make time for those dear to my heart.
My happy place, though? It has to be in bed with a huge mug of tea, a good book and fresh fluffy socks.
What advice would you give your teenage self?
Be true to who you are because your uniqueness is your most precious asset. Spend less time worrying about what other people will think and get out there and just do it! You can achieve anything you set your mind and heart on so go out there and face your fears.
Oh! Also, you might not get married to Justin Timberlake but you’ll find a boy who you adore equally as much if not more… I know, IMAGINE!
P.S. Those brown faux leather pants? Don’t wear them. They WILL split and you WILL be completely mortified.
What are your words to live by?
Treat others as you would like to be treated, sprinkle love and kindness everywhere you go and never be afraid to take a chance. Even if it’s a leap of faith into the dark, those are the moments you learn the most.
When do you feel most brave?
It might sound contradictory but I am at my bravest when I am absolutely terrified, facing the unknown, taking a chance on something that might fail desperately and stretching myself beyond my wildest dreams. It could be easy for me to live wrapped up in my own cocoon but I find that most thrilling thing of all is stepping outside my comfort zone and into a place where the outcome isn’t certain or guaranteed.
What do you consider the most pressing issue facing Irish society at the moment?
Mental health. We need to look after ourselves and our people. No one is invincible or unbreakable and we need to be there for each other. The future of our country lies in the hands of generations to come and investing in mental health in my eyes is investing in our future.
Which person, alive or dead, has inspired you?
It’s difficult to choose one sole person because I find inspiration all around me. Recently I published my first book on that very subject, The Pursuit of Awesome, for which I met 45 contributors striving to reach their dreams. Back in 2014 I travelled to Swaziland with the Team Hope Shoebox Appeal, and some of the greatest life lessons I’ve learned came from the people I met on that trip, as well as the children at the Outreach Moldova orphanage. My personal heroes though? My Mam and Dad, always. They are incredible people with hearts of gold.
What has been the most significant moment of your life to date?
This is a really tough question but perhaps the biggest milestone was moving country as an eight-year-old, an event with huge important and significance in my life because it led to me this land of opportunity I now call home. The move to Ireland not only encouraged to me to dream but also gave me the opportunity to live my dreams too. Another milestone was the birth of my little brother, a massive moment in my life because he’s a diamond and a real best friend.
For more information on how to get involved in the Team Hope Shoebox Appeal and for a full list of drop off points visit or call 01 294 0222.