Best Job Ever? This Company Will Pay You To Drink Gin And Tonics All Day

It's a tough job, but someone has to do it...

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Okay, you can stop looking now, we’ve found the world’s best job.

A UK company is currently hiring an “enthusiastic gin-loving intern” to spend their day visiting distilleries, sampling mixed gin cocktails, trying out new varieties of tonic and learning all there is to know about the floral-infused joy juice that is gin. Oh, and getting paid for it.

ILoveGin send out new varieties of gins and tonics to their customers every month as part of a subscription service. Sort of like Glossybox, but with gin instead of lipgloss.

The company’s “gintern” will travel across the UK and Europe in search of new gin varieties… with a lot of drinking along the way, we reckon.

While the position starts off with just two days a week of distillery visits and a lot of self-led and work-from-home time, the company says you could stand to make “up to £20,000” over the period of  the internship, if you build up to full-time hours.

A photo posted by I Love Gin! (@ilovegindotcom) on

As for the small print, applicants must be over 18 (grand), hold a full, clean driver’s licence (grand), be a “MASSIVE gin lover” (obviously grand) and live in the UK (er, we could move…).

The best part? The “ginternship” might even lead to a full-time role at the end of the six-month period.

If you’re interested, you can find the job spec here and apply here. Somehow we don’t think you’ll be the only one…
