Ways You Can Support Charities During This Turbulent Time

It’s easy to feel powerless, but there are ways to help

It’s hard to scroll through your phone these days without seeing the nasty impact of coronavirus laid out bare for all to see. 

While the virus continues to spread throughout the world, many of our day-to-day lives are being slowly impacted. Particularly with major events across the nation being canceled and/or postponed. 

Earlier this week news broke that the St. Patrick’s Day Parade would not go ahead, while shortly after that both Irish Cancer Society and Make-A-WIsh Ireland announced that they would be canceling their fundraising events and collection days, and now, we have received news in the last 24 hours that all schools and colleges are closing until later this month. 

Watching the pandemic unfold, it’s easy to feel powerless at times. While each one of us personally can’t halt the spread of the virus, besides practicing perfect hygiene, there are some small ways to help those around us who may be feeling the effects more than others. 

Many charities around the country are particularly taking a hit from the situation. Canceling their much-needed fundraiser events and collections in order to protect their staff and the public, this means that many organisations who rely on these human interactions are down vital funding, putting the incredible work they do for Irish society at risk.

Donate, Donate, Donate 

There are many Irish charities out there calling out for help, who are now relying on the kindness of humans more than ever. Whether it’s €2 or €100, whatever you can afford will make a big difference. Below we have listed a number of charities particularly affected to consider when donating. 

Irish Cancer Society 

Irish Heart Foundation 

Make A Wish Foundation

My Canine Companion 

Temple Street Foundation

Cystic Fibrosis Ireland 

Alleviate The Workload 

Charities such as ALONE and Friend Of The Elderly provide support for elderly people living alone around the country. While you can, of course, donate a sum to help them with their work, you could also take a leaf out of their book and help an elderly or vulnerable person around your area. While you are out doing your own shop pick up some essential supplies so they don’t need to leave their home and risk becoming infected. You can also provide your companionship by visiting them or even by simply organising a phone-call a few times a week. As the HSE has announced, it is those who are elderly who are partially vulnerable to the virus, so it’s understandable that this is a scary time for those in that bracket. Reaching out and offering a little help will alleviate the pressure charities who are trying to reach elderly people around the country are feeling. 

Speak Out 

While you’re discussing COVID-19 with those around you, mention the fact that many charities and public-funded organisations are suffering. This is a scary time for everyone, and it’s easy to get caught up in your own bubble of worrying about yourself and those directly around you. However, it’s important to speak about the wider circle and inform those who may not be aware of the ways we can help. Social Media can be a panic-inducing space during times like this, but using it to our advantage opens up the possibility to share positive information and make a difference. Choose a charity that is currently suffering and share it on your social media, encourage others to donate also and together we can turn a negative situation into a positive one.
