Celeb goss 1st June 2016 by Paula Lyne
9 Questions About The Hills That Lauren Conrad NEEDS To Answer In Her ‘Honest’ MTV Special
#3 How did you guys get into Les Deux every Saturday night if you were under-age, huh?
This autumn marks ten (!!) years since MTV’s The Hills first aired, documenting Laguna Beach alum Lauren Conrad’s move to the bright lights of Los Angeles.
Just yesterday Lauren confirmed that she’d be celebrating the show’s anniversary with a once-off MTV special airing on August 2nd, which has us all kinds of excited.
“We will be having an honest conversation about what it was really like living with cameras for so many years, sharing some behind-the-scene secrets, and showing some of my life today,” Lauren promised via her website.
She won’t be short of topics to discuss, either. During the show’s six seasons we met a whole host of friends, frenemies and straight-up enemies, from LC’s long-time BFF and roomie Lo Bosworth to her Teen Vogue work wifey Whitney Port.
We had some endlessly quotable moments (‘Homeboy wore combat boots to the beach!’), some VERY memorable drunken fights (‘YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID’), and a lot of career and dating drama (‘You’ll always be known as the girl who didn’t go to Paris’).
But what we most certainly didn’t get were the answers to some very important questions. Read on for the topics we’re hoping LC will address in her “honest” TV special…
1. Did you really work at Teen Vogue, or did you fake work there?
Lauren and Whitney’s internship mainly took place in a dark fashion closet, meaning they had very little interaction with the rest of the office. Plus, they seemed to spend most of their time steaming clothes.
2. How in God’s name did you afford that West Hollywood apartment with Lo and Audrina on an intern salary?
The house sold last May for a cool $2m.
3. Were you never IDed trying to get into Les Deux while underage?
Or did the bouncers just turn a blind eye for the sake of the show?
4. And as under-21s, we assume that was Coca-Cola in your glass?
“We were drinking whatever we could get our hands on. I’m sure it was probably Jack Daniel’s, Jäger. Water was NOT what we were drinking,” Heidi Montag revealed in an interview last year. Wonder if Lauren was doing the same?
5. Did you ever graduate from fashion college?
We know Heidi left to go and “work” at Bolthouse, but Lauren’s college career seemed to simply fade into the background.
6. Was that scene with the single tear rehearsed?
And if so, can you teach us how to cry so beautifully?
7. Er, what happened to the beautiful puppy that Heidi had for roughly one day?
It was a gift from her then-boyfriend Jordan in Season 1, but it disappeared after one episode. Thankfully, the folks at Bustle have shed some light on this: it seems Heidi gave the dog away. But WHY?!
8. Were you and Brody really “just friends” behind-the-scenes?
Brody Jenner has since claimed that his relationship with Lauren was strictly professional, but we reckon the two had a serious grá for one another.
9. Are you and Lo still friends? *crosses fingers and toes*
LC and Lo had their beef, but we got all kinds of mushy when we saw this pic of them at the Laguna Beach high school reunion last year.
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