9 STELLAR Questions With Pamela Uba

We're screaming at her hangover cure

In 9 STELLAR questions, we put the spotlight on your favourite celebrities and influencers to get the goss on their deepest secrets, gas anecdotes, and their best hangover cures, for good measure.

This time in the hot seat, itโ€™s former Miss Ireland Pamela Uba.

Who would play you in a movie of your life?


Whoโ€™s the most famous person who follows you?

Probably Andrew Fitzpatrick – Dublin man who is hairstylist to The Kardashians!

Whatโ€™s your spirit animal?

A unicorn!

Who was the last person you texted?

Ivanna McMahon – the current Miss Ireland. We actually have a Miss Ireland group chat and we’re all always texting in there.

Whatโ€™s your ultimate hangover cure?

Honestly – my cure is – there’s no cure! Just dying, I’m 27 and it’s getting harder as I get older.

Who are your 3 dream dinner date guests?

Chris Hemsworth because – Thor, need I say more? Then the other two would be Michelle Obama and my Grandad.

Whatโ€™s one thing youโ€™re passionate about right now?

My music and singing.

Youโ€™re getting ready for a night out, what song are you playing?

It would either be Rihanna or Beyonce, or actually, Megan Thee Stallion’s new song is always in repeat!

Whoโ€™s your ultimate celebrity crush?

Chris Hemsworth – can you believe it!? hahah.

