9 STELLAR Questions With Terrie McEvoy

The influencer spills the tea

Terrie McEvoy: "David and I have been together for seven years, so he knows me inside out!" - VIP Magazine

In 9 STELLAR questions, we put the spotlight on your favourite celebrities and influencers to get the goss on their deepest secrets, gas anecdotes, and their best hangover cures, for good measure.

This time in the hot seat, it’s influencer Terrie McEvoy.

Who would play you in a movie of your life?

Probably Jim Carey (laughing), I feel like we have similar personalities so it makes sense to me.

Who’s the most famous person who follows you?

I’ll be completely honest here – I don’t know! I actually don’t look through my following list much so I’ve never checked.

What’s your spirit animal?

A bull.

Who was the last person you texted?

David my husband, for sure.

What’s your ultimate hangover cure?

Oh I have the best one – meanies on a bread roll with butter!

Who are your 3 dream dinner date guests?

Okay, I would say Michelle OBama, my Grandad, and probably my Nana too.

What’s one thing you’re passionate about right now?

Right now, just being a good mam to my daughter, Sydney.

You’re getting ready for a night out, what song are you playing?

I actually love a bit of Elton John, so probably him. I didn’t get to see him playing in Ireland this summer, which I was raging about!

Who’s your ultimate celebrity crush?

Ohh I would say probably Emily Ratajkowski, or Kendall Jenner, I flip-flop between the two.
