Dog Friendly Ireland Day Is Going Digital This Year And Here’s How You Can Take Part

Any excuse to spoil our four-legged friends!


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Every year in the month of June Ireland plays host to dog-friendly day. Taking place on Friday the 26th this year, ordinarily, businesses across the country would be encouraged to open up their doors for the day to be entirely dog friendly.

This year, for obvious reasons, that can’t happen. However, dog-friendly Ireland day is still set to go ahead, it will just look a little different this year.

Dogs Trust believe that little doggos around the country shouldn’t have to miss on a day of celebrating them, so the celebrations are adapting to the current climate and like everything else in our life right now, it’s going digital.


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Speaking about the current crisis and how not only we, but our fury friends have adapted to it, Dogs Trust said:

“To some extent, most of our lives have been turned upside down. Our homes are now our workplaces and at our feet, through it all, has been our faithful four-legged friends.”

“They are our constant companions and have sat in on every meeting, virtually met your co-workers, and give you a reason to get out for a walk at lunchtime. Your canine has become your colleague and we want to celebrate them on a job well done!”

With a full line-up of doggy entertainment organised, here’s how you can get involved with the day if you think your pup deserves some fusses.

  • Share a pic on social media of your pooch ”Working from Home”. Remember to use the hashtag #DogFriendlyIrelandDay
  • Share stories of how your Canine Colleague has helped to support you through lockdown
  • Bake your pal a well-earned Dog-Friendly treat for your tea break, find the recipe HERE
  • Treat your dog to an enrichment puzzle that will keep him occupied while you get on with work – click HERE.

If you and your colleagues fancy getting your competitive on too, you can take part in a ‘yappy hour pup quiz’ created by Dogs Trust. To get involved contact louise.sherwin@dogstrust for all the deets.

Yappy Friday!
