Trending 26th May 2020 by Amie Edmonds
Here Are The 4 Dance Routines You’ve Always Wanted To Master
And no, they're not from TikTok.
Honestly, how many times have you said, “I’d love to be able to do that dance” while watching a film? We’re guessing that throughout the years, it’s been a lot. There’s many of us spending our days learning viral TikTok dances, but really, they’re just not going to stand the test of time, are they? Not like the Dirty Dancing lift, anyway.
The Routine from Friends
Admittedly, this isn’t going to be the hardest routine to learn. But it’s kind of something every Friends fan needs to know, right? It’s one dance (and we use the word dance lightly here..) routine that anyone and everyone can learn, even if you do have two left feet. We’re not going to be adding ‘The Routine’ to our skillset, but you can bet we’ll all have plenty of craic learning it. Add a bottle of Pinot Grigio and a Zoom call with the gals for extra craic points.
Keeping it nice and easy, yet still well and truly iconic. Grease is up there as one of the best musicals ever, and it’s one of the best movies when you need a bit of comfort. But the dancing, or the lack thereof,ย is a full cringe-fest, and we love it. While it’s hard to choose just one dance routine to learn, we’ve gone with Greased Lightning because it’s sure to put a smile on your face, and these gals have got it down to a tee.
The ultimate must-learn dance has to be Michael Jackson’s Thriller routine. Can you imagine the pride in being able to confidently say ‘I can do the thriller dance’? This step by step guide starts off pretty easy, taking things slow so you can be a pro at the moves before the music comes in. We can almost bet you’ll be the only one at the post-lockdown party who can do these moves. Did someone say party trick?
Dirty Dancing
Taking it up yet another notch, the ultimate dance routine from Dirty Dancing. Really, it’s not one you can learn alone, so you’ll have to rope in your housemate/other-half/sister, anyone you’re stuck indoors with who’s willing. And look, not everyone is gonna be able to do that lift, so if you skip that part, we won’t say anything if you do.