Trending 27th September 2016 by Victoria Stokes
Here’s The Unexpected Reason Everyone’s Deleting Their Food Porn Pics From Instagram Right Now
It's all for a good cause and you can do it too.
It’s become a bit of a habit before each meal out. Before you can scoff even a morsel of food, you must pull out your smartphone, snap a quick pic of the scrummy dish and upload it to Insta with the hashtag #FoodPorn.
Now a super smart company has figured out a way we can help feed the hungry with our mouth-watering food snaps; um, deleting them.
See, currently there are around 99 million pictures that have the tag #FoodPorn attached and American food business Land O’Lakes has said that they will donate 11 meals to the hungry for every deleted post as part of their new campaign Delete To Feed.
All you gotta do is head over to the charity’s website, connect your Instagram account, then pick one of your food pics and remove it to give someone in need their next meal.
The charity has a goal of donating 2.75 million meals between now and mid-October so why not do one better and delete several of your old foodie snaps in one go? It’s all for a good cause, after all.