Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Use The Boiling Water Trick To Defrost Your Car

Plus what to do instead

Via Unsplash

If you’ve awoken to your car windows frosted over due to cold weather, and somewhere to be, you’ll know what a nightmare it is.

Adding at least another 15 minutes onto your morning, defrosting those bad boys is a task in itself, and one we need to be smart about at that.

It may seem like common knowledge to avoid, but you’d be surprised at how many people still use boiling hot water straight from the kettle to clear up their screens.

Videos showing people trying the trick has gone viral, pouring the water over the window and subsequently watching it smash.

@gollandec3pouring hot water on the car window

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Recently, Head of Communications at AA, Paddy Comyn spoke on RTE Morning Ireland, explaining why it doesn’t work:

“It’s too much of a change of temperature. Now it doesn’t break every windscreen, but it does crack lots of windscreens”

Instead, he says that you can use warm water to clear your windows in a hurry.

“Warm water is fine. It will do enough of a job to clear the windscreengray vehicle covered by snow

Paddy also says that ‘antifreeze’ spray is a good alternative too.

When it comes to frozen door handles, Paddy says that hot water is fine for these as it won’t cause any damage.

“You can just pour water over these, but also a lot of the remote locks, they will also have a key that slides out of the key fob as well and you can turn that in the traditional way”

“You can just pour water over these, but also a lot of the remote locks, they will also have a key that slides out of the key fob as well and you can turn that in the traditional way,” he added.
