Trending 12th March 2018 by Cara Croke
Here’s Why You’re Not Able To Use GIFs On Your Instagram Story Today
"This type of content has no place on Instagram"
If you’ve been wondering why you’re no longer able to attach cute GIFs to your Instagram and Snapchat Stories, we have the answers.
The apps have removed the Giphy GIF feature since users saw an extremely racist GIF as an option to add to their images.
A report by TechCrunch said that the incident was at the fault of Giphy. A Snapchat spokesperson told the website:
As soon as we were made aware, we removed the GIF and have disabled Giphy until we can be sure that this won’t happen again… while we wait for Giphy’s team to take a look at it.
The spokesperson also said that all GIFs in Snapchat are meant to be “rated PG”. A spokesperson for Instagram said:
This type of content has no place on Instagram. We have stopped our integration with Giphy as they investigate the issue.
The GIF read: “N—– Crime Death Counter – Keep Cranking Bonzo, the Numbers Just Keep on Climbing!” Giphy has since taken ownership for the offensive gif:
A user discovered an offensive GIF sticker in our library, and we immediately removed it per our content guidelines.
After investigation of the incident, this sticker was available due to a bug in our content moderation filters specifically affecting GIF stickers.
“The GIPHY staff is also further reviewing every GIF sticker by hand and should be finished shortly. We take full responsibility for these recent events and sincerely apologise to anyone who was offended.”
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