Kylie Jenner Is Getting Absolutely Roasted On Twitter By Destiny’s Child Fans Right Now

It's a little TOO familiar.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner has launched a range of camouflage bikinis on her official online store, theKylieShop, and the internet has responded brilliantly with tweets about Destiny’s Child.

She’s a savvy business woman, having already made millions of dollars from her make-up collections, but fans of the 19-year-old couldn’t help but notice that they’d seen these camo bikinis somewhere before.

And where might that have been? Oh, only Destiny’s Child’s Survivor video from 2001. Miss KJ was only four years old at the time though, so perhaps she didn’t remember.

Have a look through some of these tweets and *try* not laugh.

Will you wear a Kylie Jenner / Destiny’s Child / Kylie Minogue inspired bikini this summer?