Lil Xan’s Fiancée Has Denied She’s Lying About Her Pregnancy

People accused her of showing fake ultrasound photos.

Earlier this month, people went WILD when Lil Xan announced his new fianceé Annie is pregnant with his baby. The world was shook, Noah Cyrus was in bits and we didn’t quite know what was happening.

In a bizarre turn of events, people think the rapper and his boo are lying about the pregnancy altogether. Crazy.

It all started on Friday when Annie posted a video on YouTube called “First Baby Pictures” and said she was nine weeks pregnant, before showing a picture of her ultrasound.

Lil Xan flicks through the photos on his phone and talks about how “blessed” he feels. However, people are saying the ultrasound photos are all a hoax and are just Google stock photos.

UPDATE: Annie Smith has since denied that she’s faking her pregnancy, telling E! News that she’s disappointed in the rumours. She said:

“When I posted my YouTube video with my ultrasound pictures, a girl (I’m not going to comment on who) photoshopped them with another persons name, year, birthday etc, and uploaded them to Google.

“I’m honestly really disappointed that we announced it and now this is the rumour floating around.”

From now on, Annie plans to keep her pregnancy journey under tight wraps since she feels the “negativity is too much.”

“I’m traveling and stressed at the moment so I think for the baby and myself it’s best to stay in a positive environment,” she said. “I really am just staying off the internet for the time being because it’s really sad for me to see these things.”

That being said, Annie said she isn’t going to let the gossip upset her anymore than it already has. “In my opinion it doesn’t matter what anyone else says it’s a special time between my fiancé and I and like I said we are very happy that’s all that matters.”

Well, good for them!
