Terrie McEvoy Gets Real About Motherhood, Promising ‘It Does Get Easier’

Big love to you, Terrie!

Terrie McEvoy

Terrie McEvoy has gotten real about motherhood and the guilt people deal with every day.

Now she has shared a video of her with her little one Sydney, promising that things do get easier.

The pair were enjoying some mommy-daughter time towards the end of the day, and Terrie could be seen singing along to The Lion King soundtrack as she fed her toddler.

How adorable.

“If you’re watching this and you’re knee deep in the madness of parenthood, tired, overwhelmed and like there’s no end to the chaos… trust me it gets easier and so much better,” she captioned the video.

“I remember so well being in the early stages thinking “oh my god how am I going to get through this” and everyone around me saying “it gets easier” but I didn’t believe them!”

“So this is your little sign from the other side of that baby baby phase… it DOES get easier and it’s so bloody amazing! Hang in there, you’ve got this!”

We just cannot cope with how cute this is.

Terrie McEvoy

Terrie recently revealed that she had made the decision to return to her nursing career.

“On top of everything we juggle, I decided to go back and take a new role to work on my nursing career as it’s honestly what truly makes my soul happy. It’s been absolutely amazing and I’m blessed I can somehow manage both but my god the mom guilt is real!!” she wrote.
