Thalia Heffernan Reveals Plans To Move To New York

“When I got that email from IMG, I felt that excitement I had felt when I was 15,”

Thalia Heffernan has revealed her plans to leave Ireland for the Big Apple. The Irish model shared the news in a new interview with the Irish Independent.

It seems this is something she has had in mind for some time, but like everyone else, the pandemic got in the way of her plans.

The 25-year-old revealed that she had met previously with IMG, the top modelling agency that has represented both Kate Moss and Gigi Hadid.

Thalia shared that after this meeting she received an exciting email from IMG that read; “We haven’t had an Irish girl who could be a supermodel, but this might be it.”

“When I got that email from IMG, I felt that excitement I had felt when I was 15,” she added.

Continuing, she revealed; “So that also brings a whole new set of fears; going to New York is like my limbs are going to be left here, while my body goes away. But I have to. Because I do want to.”

The move obviously had to be put on hold due to Covid-19, but Thalia shared that it is still something she plans to do once restrictions lift; “If I don’t do it, I’ll never know, and I don’t know if I could live with myself.”

She did share that it would be out of her comfort zone to make the move to NYC, as well as leaving her boyfriend Ryan and her two rescue doggies behind.

“I think lockdown is funny, because it brings you together in a way that no other environment would.”

“That’s where the two sides really begin to fight with each other. I love comfort, but I also loathe it. I need to get out of that comfort zone.”