Trending 26th April 2016 by Paula Lyne
‘Too Far’: Lil’ Kim’s Drastic Skin And Hair Changes Have Not Gone Down Well With Fans
'It’s really so sad that she didn’t realise how beautiful she was'
Rapper Lil’ Kim debuted a new look on Instagram over the weekend, one that has caused quite a bit of controversy among her fans.
The 40-year-old posted a series of selfies on the social media site, with paler skin and blonde hair that made her almost unrecognizable.
Although Kim has yet to address the changes herself, fans have blasted her on Instagram and Twitter for ‘overdoing’ it on facial surgery and skin bleaching.
‘It’s really so sad that Lil Kim didn’t realize how beautiful she was without all of the surgery and bleaching,’ one follower wrote.
‘If I didn’t see the name I wouldn’t even know who this was,’ another added. However some fans jumped in to suggest that the changes in Kim’s skin tone were down to ‘lighting.’
Speculation that Kim had turned to skin bleaching started back in December, after the rapper first began appearing with a paler-than-usual look.
A look back at this photo, taken just two years ago, shows how stark the difference is:
The rapper has spoken before about her “low self esteem,” and how she felt she couldn’t compete with more “European looking” stars.
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