According To A Dermatologist, This Is The Only Way You Can Banish Under Eye Bags

Best throw all those expensive eye creams in the bin then. Pfft.

Under Eye Bags

Whenever we have a beauty problem, we usually look to one solution to solve it: products. Yep, that’s right, we’ll load up on the latest must-have cream or skin enhancing serum, in order to correct whatever beauty woe is currently bugging us.

But according to one dermatologist, when it comes to eye bags, you won’t find the magic solution in a bottle. In fact, Dr David Lortscher reckons that eye creams and masks will do little to help.

Thankfully though, he does offer up a fix for permanently puffy eyes – and better yet you don’t have to spend a cent.

“Proper head elevation during sleep, sleep itself, and decreased dietary ingestion of salt and alcohol are simple lifestyle changes that can help,” he tells Byrdie.

So that’s a proper sleeping pattern and a few smart lifestyle tweaks then.

But if you really can’t resist the lure of the beauty aisle, Lortscher says that under eye-correcting serums containing caffeine are your best bet. Got it?