James Charles: ‘I’m Proud That I Raised A New MUA Generation”

"I never say anything to be malicious or shady"

Pic: Brian McEvoy

We can’t believe it’s James Charles’ first time in Ireland as we gush about our country’s delicacy – the humble Spice Bag. James is a fan.

The influencer started his beauty career at the tender age of 17 on YouTube, almost a decade later he’s still going strong with almost 24 million subscribers on the platform. Not to mention 39 million TikTok followers and 20 million on Instagram.

But he’s down to earth as we chat in his hotel suite before he heads to his launch party as his beauty brand, Painted launches in BPerfect stores across Ireland and the UK.

From his favourite makeup trends to being an inspiration, James opens up to STELLAR about his incredible career.

Pic: Brian McEvoy

Hi James! Welcome to Ireland! Is this your first time here?

It is! We just got in on Monday night, got a spice bag, got a Guinness. Then on Tuesday morning it was up early for the meet and greet and then the launch party. Then up to Belfast and off tomorrow.

The spice bag, we love that you love it!

There’s a lot to discuss. People kept recommending it to me and I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, it was unreal. I bit into it and I could not believe the flavours that were being produced in my mouth. It was phenomenal. I ate the entire thing and felt disgusting afterwards. It was so worth it! 10 out of 10! It was really yummy!

Your brand, Painted, has just launched here. What has that been like?

It’s so much fun! We have a lovely Meet and Greet in Dublin. For me, Painted launched a year ago and it was incredible to see it grow and see the products get into the hands of customers. But right now the customer base is mainly America because of customs and shipping costs and things out of our control. Getting a partnership with BPerfect is such a massive step forward for a small brand, I would have never imagined this happening so early on. But it also means that we can get it to a brand new demographic! I’m so excited it’s finally in Ireland because you guys do makeup!

You started your career eight years ago on YouTube. Now TikTok is the video social media de jour, how have you found the transition from long form to quick 30 second videos?

It has been really interesting to see how people’s attention spans have changed. I still upload to YouTube every Friday and we still have a couple million views, which is a lot for the beauty community. But a lot of the audience has moved over to TikTok. And I love TikTok, it’s a whole new audience and generation. It’s been a new challenge, getting people’s attention to stay and watch a whole video when they are scrolling. I’m always up for a challenge! But I miss that intimate thing you got from viewers who would sit down for a 30 or 40-minute video, have a meal or have a drink. It was something very special. But I do think it will come back around.


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YouTube really was about the makeup tutorial and we’ve definitely moved away from that. Is there a place for tutorials now?

There is so much content out there I think a lot of people are finding old content. I think everything is so easily accessible. On TikTok, they want really high energy, really quickly edited, crazy things. But someone who is going to sit down and teach proper beauty techniques and tips is just not what people are looking for. I try to be as educational as possible in my videos, you just have to be sneaky about it. It’s like when parents would sneak vegetables into their kids’ dinners! You’re hiding the little tidbits in there but they’re getting fed the good stuff.

The TikTok “clickbait” can be annoying for sure! 

It’s all a scam, it’s all clickbait! But sometimes you need clickbait to get people’s attention! And if you wade through it, you’ll get a good product or technique out of it.

You’re 25, but you did start at 17 so you’ve been on the scene for almost a decade. Do you feel like you’ve paved the way for a new generation of young MUAs, especially boys?

For sure. I grew up watching my favourite beauty influencers who taught me to do makeup and when I started I had no idea who was watching my videos. When I started doing meet and greets, I just assumed it would be people my age. So I was surprised when it was so many young kids. I got to meet so many young girls, some who aren’t even wearing makeup yet but are so entertained by the videos and so many boys who are there with their moms and their dads. It made me realise how accepting people are and how times are changing. They’re not just accepting them, they’re allowing them to be unapologetically themselves. I do think I raised a generation of teenagers. It is crazy when I meet someone who is like, “I grew up watching you!” Like I’m 25! Woah! Relax! But I suppose when some of them started watching my videos they were 12 or 13 years old, I’ve been doing this for eight years, so they’re grown adults now. It has been crazy. But knowing I raised a generation is something that I’m really proud of.

Pic: Brian McEvoy

You definitely were a breath of fresh air when you arrived on the beauty influencer scene. Watching your videos was like hanging out with a friend!

I really tried to have fun with it. Like you said before, it was focused on education and tutorials. And it was great because that’s how I learned to do makeup. So I never say anything to be malicious or shady. But when I came on the scene I wanted my content to be young and to really switch it up with new challenges, new trends and collabs. I’ve always pushed myself.

One last question! Makeup trends come and they go. But what is one trend you will stand by no matter what?

Full coverage! Full coverage! In America, we’re in this era of natural, clean girl makeup. And it’s so boring to me. I will never get over a full beat. It’s my artform, I find it so fun. I am confident and I can walk out of the house without makeup on. But if you’re asking me to get into makeup it’s this or bust. I have no desire to be in a tinted moisturiser and a simple brush of the brow. No thanks!

Painted by James Charles is stocked exclusively through BPerfect Cosmetics stores, website, and TikTok Shop in Ireland and the UK
