NSFW! This Woman Used Her Boyfriend’s Testicles To Blend Her Foundation And There’s Video Proof *Shudder*

Explicit content ahead, obvs.

Have you ever been applying your make-up only to find that you’ve misplaced your beauty blender and/or make-up brushes? Well, an 18-year-old woman from Florida has found a solution.

Johnna Hines shared a video to Twitter in which she uses her 20-year-old boyfriend’s balls to apply foundation to her face.

We wish we were joking.

Damon Richards had been putting his testicles on his girlfriend’s head while she was doing her make-up, and the pair found it so funny that they decided to make a video and share it online.

“I made a joke about using them as a Beauty Blender and we literally just looked at each other and started laughing and made the video from there,” she explained to BuzzFeed. Johnna then posted the video to Twitter where it’s already garnered over 24,000 retweets.


People have been responding to the video ever since, and they feel the same way we do.


We can only hope this trend doesn’t catch on.