My 30 Day Yoga Challenge Diary: Day 5

With the news that yoga has been banned in Russia, Laura Somers is feeling more committed to her 30 day yoga challenge than ever. Here's how she did on day five...

Yoga Class

I read today that they are banning yoga in Russia because the Russian government believes that doing so will stop the spread of cults. So, fueled with a sense of injustice I made my way to yoga class with the frustration of the Russian yogis on my shoulders.

I decided I was going to dedicate this class to my fellow yogis and I was going to be as committed and strict on myself as I’m sure they always are.

This proved to be quite the struggle. The yoga instructor added in a few new moves that absolutely baffled me, but I did (try) them anyway. My ice cream sundae from yesterday certainly didn’t make the poses any easier.

As a (much needed) break in the middle of the class we got to do something called a Child’s Pose; this was just as childish and comfy as it sounds. Basically you just bend your knees, put your face to the ground and stretch your arms out.

By the end of the class I was feeling seriously relaxed, yet energised at the same time. I feel sad that people in Russia no longer have this outlet, because honestly, before yoga, I’m not entirely sure how I stayed sane.
