What To Drink 29th October 2015 by Online editors
Hosting A Halloween Party? Here Are 4 Ways To Throw The Best Bash Ever
So you're having halloween pre-drinks and want to be the hostess with the mostess. Here are four ideas to make your party a fun one.
1.Make some witchamole
Well first things first, what’s a party without some delicious food? Especially when it’s themed food. And secondly, who doesn’t adore guacamole? For this you’ll need some smashed avocado, tortilla chips, olives, shaved carrots or grated cheese, and maybe some pickles. Voila – you have yourself some witchamole.
2. Dirty apple bobbing
This Halloween classic can’t be missed, although some people might have objections depending on their make-up. Add a sangria mixture into a big bowl and drop in four apples, each with a number carved into it. The numbers on the apples correlate to the number of shots that the apple bobber must drink one they’ve pulled out their sangria-infused apple. If that’s too messy you can also do the apple-on-a-string variation.
3. Liq-or-treat
Want more where that came from? Line up a number of shot glasses with different mixtures in each one. The idea is that you don’t know whether you’ll be getting something nice or horrendous when it comes to your turn and the fun lies in the anticipation. Feel free to change up the ingredients to keep the game interesting, and use halloween shot glasses if you want to stick with the theme.
4. Use some trusty face paint
You’ll all have to come sans-facepaint in order to make the most of this one and you’ll want to choose a seat beside someone artistic. Put the names of some animals into a hat and ask your guests to draw one. The idea is, that you have to draw the facial features of whatever animal you get onto the person sitting next to you, but you can’t let them see until you’re finished. When you’re done let them guess what animal they are and if they guess incorrectly, they have to finish their drink. Keep the face paint on for your whole night out to prolong the fun… unless it’s really awful, in which case, feel free to grab some face wipes!
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