PSA: Here’s How You Make Those Divine Hot Chocolate Bombs That Are All Over Instagram

Hot chocolate is here to save the day.


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I’m here to say that this is the best time of year, hands down. It’s getting chilly out, which means gorgeous knits and comfy boots. There’s plenty to watch on TV while we’re staying cosy in our dressing gowns in the evenings. The food gets more comforting and tasty by the day, it’s safe to say I am here for hot chocolate season.

So you can only imagine my reaction when those hot chocolate bomb videos started popping up on every platform, to be honest, I’m surprised you haven’t heard me gasp from my little apartment when the chocolatey goodness dissolved, wherever you are.

If, by the slightest chance you haven’t come across any of these hot chocolate bomb videos, let me fill you in. Essentially, you start off with a ball of chocolate (so good already, and we haven’t even peaked). When the ball of hallow chocolate, or chocolate bomb, comes in contact with hot milk, it dissolves and an assortment of marshmallows and even more chocolate is revealed. Then, a quick stir and you have a divine hot chocolate. *chef’s kiss*


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So, fancy giving these a go yourself? Here’s what you’ll need, and what to do, according to Crafty Not Shifty‘s YouTube Tutorial below.

  • 100g dark chocolate
  • Milk chocolate and cocoa powder
  • Plastic or silicone moulds
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Non-stick spray or liquid
  • Milk

There you have it! Gorge hot chocolate bombs at home. Tuesday treat, anyone?
