Real Talk 15th October 2015 by Online editors
5 Ingenious Hacks To Prolong Your Monthly Data Allowance
Used all your data allowance and then some? We know how to make sure it goes the extra mile.
Paying for the monthly phone bill can be a moment of dread for us gals. With unlimited plans being almost a thing of the past (boo!), most mobile phone owners have strict data limits. Pair that with the new iOS 9 updates, and low-signal wifi, and it’s a recipe for data disaster. #Grr.
So to avoid the shock when your next bill comes in, follow these deadly tips to reign in your consumption.
1. Low Power Mode
This will most deffo save your ass multiple times. When you’re getting into the red (you know, every day around 3pm), you can now go into the battery menu in settings and switch to Low Power Mode. As well as conserving your phone’s battery, it also switches off some of the biggest iPhone data-guzzlers. Handy, eh?
2. Turn off cellular data for iCloud
If you use iCloud to move files back and forth between devices, this could lead to higher than usual data fees. It’s true that all those little edits are being saved to the cloud and using data during the process. So, think twice before your rely on the cloud for back up.
3. Turn off Wifi Assist
Wi-Fi Assist can be just as harmful as it is helpful. If left on, this eats away at your data allowance without you even realising it. The setting is designed to switch your phone over to 4G if your wi-fi isn’t strong enough, even when you don’t realise it. Yup, it ain’t no saving grace and it’s definitely not an ideal way to spend your pennies.
4. Disable automatic downloadsย
App downloads are some of the biggest files on your device. So, if you are an update addict, it could be costly business. Instead, wait until you are connected to wi-fi before downloading and updating your apps. Got it?
5. Find out what’s draining your data
Still guzzling through all of your allowance? Head to mobile settings and under the heading ‘Use Mobile Data For’ you’ll see a list of all of your apps and the amount of data they’ve used since you downloaded them. All that’s left to do is decide whether or not you wanna delete the biggest offenders. Tough call.
By Jennifer Conway.