6th June 2024
I don’t know where I’d be without my girlfriends.
Real Talk
11th July 2023
There’s something to be said about low key, effortless friendships
18th January 2021
With a little thought and effort we can stay as close as ever to our best friends, even if we can’t see them IRL
18th September 2020
Lockdown has opened our eyes to a lot of things that weren't working in our lives - but does that include friendships?
14th May 2018
Victoria Stokes went on some blind friend dates to see if the internet could expand her social circle.
24th October 2016
Because who couldn't use an extra gal pal or two?
Off Out
11th February 2016
Dreading the romantic weekend ahead? DON'T! We have some great ways for you to spend V Day with the women you love in your life.
14th July 2015
Ever gotten frozen out by a mate? Then you'll know all about Frosting, the platonic pals version of Ghosting. Read on.