19 Things You Didn’t Know About Lauren Arthurs

The influencer shares her deepest darkest secrets with STELLAR.

I’m the middle child of three. My brother is three years older, then me, then my sister is one year younger. We’re a very close family

I have a sweet shaped scar on my chin from when I fell off my bike when I was younger. My front tooth went straight through my mouth!

I have an extremely strong sense of smell. I could honestly work for the CIA as a sniffer human.

I am absolutely addicted to cakes and crisps. My two guilty pleasures.

My husband and I are big Marvel and Star Wars fans, so much so that we named our puppy Chewie, after Chewbacca.


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My favourite things to do for me are to buy fresh flowers every single week and book a pedicure every month.

I’m definitely in the minority when I tell you that I don’t like wine. I’ve tried so many reds and whites but I just can’t seem to get on board with it.ย 

My family and I moved around a lot when I was younger. I’m originally from Dublin but moved to Cork when I was about nine years old.

I was a ballet dancer for more than ten years growing up and I loved it so much!

I’m obsessed with walking and try to walk 10,000 steps almost every day.

My favourite hobby is going to the cinema and chilling out with a bucket of popcorn.

I studied Marketing in CIT for four years and it’s because of my degree that I got into blogging.

I adore photography and love taking photos and scrolling endlessly on Pinterest.

Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year.

I have been with my husband for over 15 years. We first started going out when we were doing our Junior Cert!

I can never decide on what my favourite colour is but I’m definitely into richer, more contrasting colours. Think autumn in a colour palette.

Speaking of autumn, it’s my favourite fashion season.

I once had the back of my neck pierced and I accidentally got it stuck in a knit scarf and pulled it out. Needless to say, that was the end of that.

Burgers are my favourite food, hands down!

Cleaning my home, wardrobe and everything else is my favourite way to de-stress and unwind. Nothing beats lighting a candle in the evening and relaxing on the couch in a spotless house.


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