Blindboy Opens Up About Recent Autism Diagnosis on His Podcast

The comedian got more candid than usual.

Fans of Limerick podcaster Blindboy will know that the masked personality isn’t afraid to get deep on his recorded shows, which are a blend of everything from eccentric interviews to personal anecdotes and serious musings. He has discussed the theme of mental health on his show before, delving into topics like cognitive behavioural therapy and social anxiety, among others. But the comedian got even more candid than usual in his latest recording, where he shared that he has been diagnosed with autism.

It’s not the first time the Rubberbandits member has spoken about autism, having been open with fans of the podcast about seeking and undergoing assessments for the disorder. In the podcast episode, ‘Intrapersonally speaking’, he let listeners in on some more intimate details of his thoughts and feelings since going through the process and receiving the diagnosis.

‘I got my diagnosis at the weekend, and I am, in fact, autistic, which is quite a lot to take on board, to be honest’. The thirty-something-year-old explained that it’s been challenging to learn of his autism at this point in life, when it’s been a part of him since he was born. ‘Finding out I am autistic is a real challenge to my sense of identity… getting my head around it is odd.’

Blindboy spoke honestly about coming to terms with the news, but also reiterated that it’s not a negative thing, just a new way of understanding himself. He commented on Twitter, ‘I haven’t received any bad news. I’ve just been given a new word to describe how I’ve been my whole life’.

Fans on social media shared their support and admiration for Blindboy and congratulated him on being so open, with some saying that his announcement has helped to share awareness and normalise the disorder for others.

We love that Blindboy has been able to share his discovery and provide some personal insights on the topic. You can listen to the latest episode of Blindboy’s podcast here.

Words by Aoife Codykane