Bye, Stocks! Apple Are FINALLY Allowing You To Delete Those Un-Deletable iPhone Apps

Has ANYONE in the world ever used the Tips app, honestly?


If you’re anything like me, you have a folder on your iPhone’s home page specifically dedicated to all of those random mandatory iPhone apps that can’t be deleted.

Every time your storage is too full to take a photo, you likely stare at the Stocks or Compass app and grumble, “But I don’t NEED you.”

Well, Apple have heard your cries (or grumbles), and have finally rolled out the option to delete all of those currently un-deletable apps.

The new iOS 10, which launches in beta today for developers and in July for the rest of us, will allow you to remove the following apps from your phone permanently:

Screen Shot 2016-06-15 at 10.20.42According to Buzzfeed, you’ll only free up around 150MB of space, but think of all the home page space you’ll gain without those pesky Stocks, Tips and Compass apps hanging around.


Currently there is an overly complicated hack which allows you to remove the apps without deleting them fully from your phone, but with this new update you can finally remove that Wallet app from your life FOREVER.

