Dream Dinner Party… With True Beauty Founder Aideen-Kate Murphy

"I have such FOMO I will never be the first one to go to bed"

via Brian McEvoy

Aideen-Kate is one of the country’s most loved content creators – especially here at STELLAR.

The beauty guru and founder of True Beauty has long been our go-to when it comes to all things makeup, but it turns out she’s also got a fairly solid eye when it comes to throwing a function or two.


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You’re throwing your dream dinner party. If you could choose from anyone in the world, who would be your ideal guests be?

This is hard. But I think I would go with the obvious for me and it would have to be Taylor Swift. I just think she would have so many cool stories, I would just sit and listen. 

My next guest would be Casey Neistat, again he would have so many good stories, I just find him so interesting. I would also have Emma Grede. I feel like I would get a lot of great business advice from her and I find her really inspiring. 

And my final guest would be Kris Jenner because that would just be iconic, we could get drunk together on martinis, lol.

Would you have a theme or a dress code?

The dress code would be glam on top and comfy on the bottom – full glam but with PJs.

What are you cooking? Is it a lavish affair or low-key nibbles?

I think low key but still a three course meal. Something to nibble on for starters, a good solid dinner like lasagne and then a selection of different desserts/cocktails.


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Time to get ready! What are you wearing?

If it’s in my house I want to be comfy so I would opt for glam PJs to stick with the dress code.

Everyone’s arriving: what music are you playing to set the mood?

Something v chill to add a nice ambience in the background.

What are you and your guests chatting about at the table?

Whatever they are willing to share with me lol. It would be such a mix of random people the conversations would be so diverse.

Do you have a signature cocktail to serve? 

I love a spicy margarita!

What about dessert? Sweet or a cheese board?

Oh I am such a dessert person. A cheese board wouldn’t do it for me now but I would have a selection of brownies, cookies, chocolate and some strawberries.

Is there entertainment? 

Yes. Karaoke!

How does the night wrap up? Is it a late one, or more chill? 

Defo a late one, I have such FOMO I will never be the first one to go to bed.

Aideen Kate will be hosting a True Beauty Masterclass as part of the Liffey Valley Life Sessions on Saturday, 22nd June at 12pm and 2pm. Tickets are €5 with all proceeds donated to Enable Ireland. Visit liffeyvalley.ie/lifesessions to book. 
