Emily Blunt Just Opened Up About A Devil Wears Prada Sequel… And She’s On Board!

What we wouldn't give to hear an updated cerulean speech!

It might be time to invest in a cerulean jumper and some Chanel boots, because the Devil may be donning Prada once again.

Well… that’s if Emily Blunt has anything to do with it!

The actress, who played Emily Charlton in 2006’s hit film The Devil Wears Prada, opened up about a possible return to the world of Runway Magazine. And it’s good news as Emily is 100% on board.

Speaking on The View, the 39-year-old explained she would love to return for a second instalment… with her character’s amazing wardrobe being enough motivation.

She said: “The green eye shadow is so horrifying, it has to get another outing. So bad, and the fashion — we loved it. I would do [another movie] in a heartbeat just to play with those guys again. It’s so fun.”

Okay, so we know Emily would return to Miranda Priestly office, but what about the rest of the cast?

Well, unfortunately that doesn’t seem quite so likely. Anne Hathaway, who played Andy Sachs, really loved her time working on the film, but ruled out a return.

Speaking on The View, last week, she explained: “I don’t know if there can be [a sequel], I just think that movie was in a different era, you know? Now, everything’s gone so digital, and that movie centered around the concept of producing a physical thing. It’s just very different now.

“Although, it is tempting to think about Andy and Emily needing to get Miranda her coffee and she’s somewhere in Europe.

“And then along the way they pick up Stanley Tucci in Italy, who’s at a restaurant. It’s tempting, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.”

However, Anne did suggests some other ways for the series to live on, saying: “They could relaunch it, find new people, and do it.”

Considering the era of reboots and revivals we are living in, this definitely seems like a possibility.

But seeing as nothing has been officially announced, we’ll just have to settle for a re-watch (for now, that is!)
