Everything We’re Not Giving Up For Lent This Year

Go easy on yourself!

Image via Pexels

Today is the first day of Lent, and this year instead of punishing ourselves by giving up the things we love *cough chocolate cough* – we’re saying goodbye to the things that actually hinder us in life.

So, keep the sugar in your tea and keep reading for some bad habits you should give up instead.

Who knows maybe after the 40 days of Lent you’ll be able to give them up for good!


We can all be a little bit guilty of this one, and could do with giving up this bad habit for Lent!

Some simple ways to help stop procrastination include making a to do list to help you keep track of what you need to do, get rid of distractions like your phone or the tv, and to treat yourself to something nice after competing a task.

Consistency is key – before long, you’ll be flying it.

Bed Rotting


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We all know what this one is from TikTok.

Bed rotting is when you stay in bed all day doing nothing apart from scrolling on your phone or watching television.

Now don’t get us wrong, this is definitely okay when you’re sick or need a duvet day! But it becomes a bad habit when you’re doing it just because you’ve nothing else to do.

If you want to give up bed rotting this Lent, try to re-energise yourself with things that make you feel good.

You could read, spend time with friends or family, go for walks in nature, or why not try being creative by painting, baking, or crocheting?

Negative Self-Talk

We all speak down on ourselves every now and then – and it’s time to put a stop to it!

This could include thinking that you’ll never be good enough or that you don’t deserve to be happy. PSA – it’s just your brain being mean to you.

Say goodbye to negative self-talk by remembering that you would never say these things about your best friend, so why would you say them to yourself.

Be your own cheerleader and try repeating some positive affirmations either in your head, on paper or aloud in the mirror.

Affirmations could include “I am good,” “I will be kind to myself,” and “I deserve to be happy.”

Not Making Time For Friends


Sometimes we can get so caught up with work and life admin that we forget to make time for our friends. We’re not proud of it, but it happens!

This Lent let’s make time for our friendships by planning to meet up with a friend at least once a week.

This could look like trying a new activity together, meeting for brunch, or going for a walk.

Words by Grace Sweeney
