Insta Creep: Phillip Schofield Flashed His Bum To All Of His Snapchat Followers…

What all the celebs are up to on social, from A to Z listers.

In our gossip column, we indulge our nosiest desires and delve deep into what the celebs (and ‘celebs’) are doing on social media. Who’s tweeting and deleting? Who’s shady faving? Let’s find out.

#SponConCorner takes the fore today as we bring you… Mariah Carey and Hostelworld.

Mariah is the last person you’d expect to stay in a hostel, so it’s kind of genius that booking site Hostelworld has hired her as its new spokesperson.

The ad plays up on her ‘diva’ reputation, and to be honest it’s gas:

Fair play Mimi. You’re a legend.

Bella Hadid has a blonde alter-ego called Rebekka Harajuku, who already has her own Instagram account.

The model seems to have adopted the persona during a trip to Japan – we know nothing about Rebekka except that she looks exactly like Bella but blonde. Fascinating!

In the grand scheme of things, she’s no Sasha Fierce, but OK?

Phillip Schofield accidentally flashed his bum on Snapchat. Oh no Phillip!

The This Morning presenter is on holidays in the Maldives at the moment and took a snap in his outside shower… seemingly not realising he was showing everyone his nudey reflection.

He doesn’t really seem to mind, however, tweeting:

So he was meaning to flash everyone? Oh Phil, you cheeky cheeky man.

Gemma Collins and James Argent’s rekindled relationship is… rocky, to say the least.

GC unfollowed Arg on Twitter and Instagram – and while she re-followed on Insta, she’s still not interested in his tweets. Which is fair, really.

Meanwhile, Arg says that Gemma threw his breakfast out the window one morning seemingly out of pure spite:

She puts about six scrambled eggs on my plate and then a big, big chunk of smoked salmon and I said, “Gem this is lovely, but f**k me, how much smoked salmon do you want to put on my plate?” She comes over to my plate, picks up the salmon, opens the window and chucks it out – she’s an absolute nutcase.

And while the whole thing was accused of being a ‘showmance’, Gemma said she’d need a a lot of money to want to do that.

God, these two.
